Monthly Archives: July 2009

WELCOME to “Sex Sells Strategies – mind-blowing or simple-minded“

Eva Longoria´s sensual lips as a key visual for the new dark Magnum, attractive buff men promoting the fitness club next door – one of the main objectives of advertising, marketing and PR campaigns is to get people´s attention, their interest in a brand, a product or a company. Showing emotional pictures to evoke feelings among an audience is an approved strategy to achieve these aims.

Some ads use controversial and socially critical visuals to be flashy, some focus on sexual topics… There are still a lot of discussions whether Sex Sells Campaigns are able to cause more awareness than conservative ones. Do they disappear within some kind of visual sexual overflow, or is it still not enough?

And by the way, is it a real strategy to shoot long-legged girls for an automotive ad? I have to admit that I expect more. But nevertheless there are a lot of Sex Sells campaigns we still remember, don´t we? So is it just simple-minded or mind-blowing? What do you think?

Someone told me lately 🙂 a blog should just follow the “3Ps- it should be plain, provocative and personal.”
So here we are. Lets go!!!


Filed under Communications, Marketing, PR